13 September 2009

Close your eyes.

They say pictures speak a thousand words.

But when there are no pictures, words will do. And they will do well.

We are in Gautemala - 9 of us, on a journey to minister to babies and children and teenagers and the elderly. Nine of us, all wanting more than anything to glorify God and see Him in each and every moment.

Patrick Lockerman
Courtney Nowakowski
Jim Shields
Stacey Yellen
Christi Uckerek
Ryan Nowakowski
Brynn Paine
Mandy Cortina
and me.

Each of us want to experience the fragrance of the Lord. That sweet, sweet aroma of His hope and salvation. What might that fragrance be like? Perhaps it is

dirt and diesel blended
spice and flowers
baby cream
homemade tortilla soup
focaccia bread
coffee with warm milk
morning dew
freshly cut grass
tropical fruit
hot waffles
black beans and sour cream
a mountain of candy

Pictures will come soon. For now, savor the fragrances. We are.

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