- Mike Yaconelli

For the past two days, I’ve heard the wonder of the whisper of God. It’s been all around me, like the mist that rolls gently over the mountains and into the valleys here in Guatemala. The whisper is pure and simple and dangerous. “Just jump.”
I heard it first in the voice of a missionary while worshiping with the villagers yesterday. She told of her life before packing her suitcases and joining her husband in Quetzaltenango, a life that was rich and rewarding. And she told of her life now - serving indigenous tribes by translating the Bible into little known dialects. “We were 60 when we became missionaries. It’s never too late.” We talked about the children at Cerecaif, a small orphanage outside her city, and about the beauty of brokenness for the poorand discarded. As she hugged me - not an Americanized side-hug, but a full-fledged “I feel like we’ve known each other for years” hug - I heard the whisper. “Just jump.” In that moment, I felt the rush of adventure.
Encouraged by our hosts at Eagle’s Nest to truly sabbath, our team then traveled into the rain forest on the shores of Lake Atitlan. Once there, we were fitted with harnesses, gloves and hard hats, and began our hike up the mountain - sprayed by waterfalls as we crossed swinging bridges, watching spider monkeys and coatis as they curiously watched us, sliding in mud and jumping over boulders on our way to our destination.

I heard the cable before I saw it. The strange sound of metal against metal hummed in the trees. The first zipline stretched 130 above the trees. With trolley connected and gloved hands in “right over left” position, I heard the whisper. “Just jump.” In that moment, I felt the rush of freedom.
This morning, before a day filled with projects began, I wrote, “Make me aware of opportunities to smile and care and risk and love - and abandon fear. It’s never too late.” And I heard the whisper again. The morning was filled with creating a fun library space for the village school, teaching English, and continuing to build a bus stop, and lunch was spent singing with children who come to Eagle’s Nest for free, healthy lunches as part of the Manna program. Painting was on the agenda for the afternoon. Until I heard the whisper again. And the plans changed.

I want to jump - out, in, and up. I want to have a faith that is fearless about jumping out into new adventures. I want to have a trust that is fearless about jumping in our God’s amazing provision. I want to have a heart that is fearless about jumping up to serve. Jump first. Fear later.
Go girl! :) Loved hearing about this. The waterfall picture brought a lump to my throat. Waterfalls are symbolic to me.....they speak "Launch".
Thank you for this wonderful post today! I join you in the desire to jump first with trust and fear later!
Bless you~
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