19 May 2009

Tozer on a Tuesday.

A generation of Christians reared among push buttons and automatic machines is impatient of slower and less direct methods of reaching their goals. We have been trying to apply machine-age methods to our relations with God. We read our chapter, have our short devotions, and rush away, hoping to make up for our deep inward bankruptcy by attending another gospel meeting or listening to another thrilling story told by a religious adventurer lately returned from afar. The tragic results of this spirit are all about us. Shallow lives, hollow religious philosophies, the preponderance of the element of fun in gospel meetings, the glorification of men, trust in religious externalities, quasi-religious fellowships, salesmanship methods, the mistaking of dynamic personality for the power of the Spirit; these and such as these are the symptoms of an evil disease, a deep and serious malady of the soul.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, I agree that we Christians live in an impatient and instant gratification world. In part because we are so influenced by the world system, but also because when God does move it seems like He has moved suddenly. In other words, we have prayed. and we have worshipped, and we have waited on the Lord, and then when we least expect it He moves. It is like a woman who is pregnant, she has waited for her time to come and even knew approximately when it would come, but then all of a sudden that little head pops out suddenly and she is surprised and amazed that this blessing has come to her and all thought of her wait vanishes in the joy of this new life.